Friday, July 31, 2009

Dealing with a (not-at-all) devil

The irony might make me collapse laughing, if it weren't for the fact it is happening to me, and it really isn't quite funny at all.

The issue is as follows: I want to do something about the significant fraction of my slave population that is infected with the Vitoxin. Something else than Vitoc injections - all that does is make them feel relyant on me more, which, despite what I have heard some people say, is not what I want my slaves to do. I want them to look up to me, as a leader, even (one might say) a father figure.

The Vitoxin is another barrier in that way. So I need to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to do that: Insorum, that mysterious, magical substance that approaches near-mythical status for the freedom fighters. Partially, because it's one of the few things they have that the Amarrians don't.

Which means I have to go through them to find a sample. The only ones willing to deal with me - and, really, the only ones I'm willing to deal with - are Electus Matari. And one of the few people I know among their ranks is one Ciarente Roth.

Yes. That Ciarente Roth. The one I so upset some days ago. I hope she's forgiven me enough to be willing to talk to me...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cause and Effect

Well... been a hell of a few days.

I started it off by going to the Gate and getting myself drunk. I mean, raging, not-knowing-at-all-what-I'm-doing, drunk. Started off with a bottle of some Amarrian wine, but there were a couple of other people there - one a Ghost Festival pilot by the name of Shinara, and the other... eh, I don't remember who he was. So, he got me started on the harder stuff, and Shinara pulled out some kind of home-brewed stuff.

You would think that I would know better than to drink a home-brewed drink offered to me by an outlaw, wouldn't you? But I had some of that stuff, and probably some of the other drinks.

Urgh. Next day was one big hangover, especially because I apparently still had to much alcohol in my blood to safely clone jump.

Couple of days later - last Saturday, I believe - I wandered into the Gate and found Reimei there. He said he had lapsed into a coma after his lady-friend put him through whatever hoops, and someone had to shove some adapted Sansha tech into his head to pull him out of it. I told him if he was Amarrian, they would be making him a saint for surviving so many deadly circumstances.

He disagreed. I didn't argue.

And then... well, I don't apply the phrase "epic shitstorm" to a lot. The old Suk breakup, a couple of things I've said on the IGS... unfortunately, what I told Ciarente Roth now firmly falls under that category. Ciarente finally made her decision as to a new corp - Re-Awakened Technologies, a member of the Electus Matari alliance. What this meant is that when I stepped back into the gate, she showed up a KOS - a fact that she took none to well when I told her, even though I warned her that what I was going to tell her was "not a pretty truth" and explained to her that the political labeling of one group has no bearing on me. I just don't think she was used to hearing her name attached to the phrase "Kill On Sight" - and with good reason to; I doubt she has ever done anything that would make anyone want to kill her directly.

*A tired sigh can be heard in the background.* So, I sent her a message by mail later on, explaining my position yet again. I hope she understands - it was indeed pleasant to be able to speak to her and discuss our roles, or purposes, our objectives.

To lose her to politics would make me sick.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We launched her.

We were coming back from a patrol along the Deliverance corridor, and were heading up towards her location. I asked the fleet to pause a moment so I could 'collect something' from the station. They didn't know I could fly her yet, much less had the modules onboard already.

So I docked up, and had my pod moved over... the crew were warned in advance, so I didn't have to wait for them. Everything was ready the moment the connections to the pod were secured.

Undocking was a bit longer than usual - this being my first attempt, I didn't want to accelerate to quickly and risk plowing into one of the docking forcefields...

also, I was listening to to the docking crew communications channels this time. Usually I just let the computer figure out what they are saying and send it up along the channels to my pod... but this time I was there.

"In Justice Bound, this is Station Docking. Approach docking path 1-3 and standbye."

"Roger." 1-3 was the largest docking port on the station, enough to hold four battleships side-by-side... or one of me.

"In Justice Bound, Station Docking. You may depart at will. Your window is three-zero seconds and counting..."

"On my way." RADAR was telling me I was scooting down the docking port approach tunnel now, but camera drones were still inside.

"Station Docking, this is In Justice Bound. I am clear. Out."

And there she was... nearly two miles of dream come true. Months of work, come down to this.

I gave my fighters some target work - one of my fleet members, in a drake. They barely scratched his shields - have to work on getting more fighters out at a time - and he lobbed a few missiles back, giving one of the fightes a bit of armor damage. Much work needs to be done yet...

Then it was back into the station, pod back into the HIMS Eliminator, and back to patrol. Got a hostile Pilgrim and an industrial before the night was out.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Egger Fads

I remember seeing this article in the Scope about Fads within the capsuleer community - a certain kind of Gallente fashion, a certain collectible vehicle produced by some obscure Caldari corporation, and all manner of Amarr and Minmatar religious objects...

Somehow, I don't think being brutally attacked outside ones' pod is part of one of those fads, but it certainly is a trend.

First their was Reimei's friends - somebody with a Master's Degree in torture was taking them down one-by-one. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen him, or Amaterasu lately. I wonder if they moved their base of operations out of Goinard at last?)

Then it was Math're getting himself in by what was all reports an epic brawl, which nearly turned into a gunfight.

And tonight, I met Ciarente Roth in the Gate - and she had been attacked as well, by someone who managed to take out her entire security detail no less.

I had a sneaking suspicion about her TacChief, Fisk, the last time I saw him - he had a stammer that he couldn't have had in bootcamp, so I made a wild guess while talking to Ciarente and was right - he'd done something to his backed-up softscan clone. It didn't work well, and when he got up after being killed...

Yet somehow, that seems distant. Because in less than 12 hours, In Justice Bound will be launched. Five months of preparation, of crew-finding, of mineral hauling, of pouring through skillbooks, is about to come down to one tremendous launch.

I hope her home system won't be to hot tomorrow. Would be kind of awkward if I got 'station-camped' in something of her size.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Crawling toward completion

Well... it's been nearly a month since I have last been here, and, amazingly enough, I have not seen a probing interface to often.

Instead, I've been spending hours and hours preparing the In Justice Bound. Been working on that little project for months, and... three more days, she'll be ready.

*A sigh can be heard in the background.*

The secrecy needed in the production of In Justice Bound and her compatriots is becoming tiresome - months of work with nothing to show for it, literally billions of ISK seemingly being dropped into a black hole, and having to run roundabout through middlemen to procure equipment for her. I've even been loathe to talk about it here, lest someone manage to break into the database.

I've also been away from some of the more lively sections of New Eden longer than I'd like to be - odd it may sound, but I'm becoming oddly attached to places like The Last Gate and Tash-Murkon Prime, and the strange collections of people who collect around such places.

Three more days...