Friday, July 31, 2009

Dealing with a (not-at-all) devil

The irony might make me collapse laughing, if it weren't for the fact it is happening to me, and it really isn't quite funny at all.

The issue is as follows: I want to do something about the significant fraction of my slave population that is infected with the Vitoxin. Something else than Vitoc injections - all that does is make them feel relyant on me more, which, despite what I have heard some people say, is not what I want my slaves to do. I want them to look up to me, as a leader, even (one might say) a father figure.

The Vitoxin is another barrier in that way. So I need to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to do that: Insorum, that mysterious, magical substance that approaches near-mythical status for the freedom fighters. Partially, because it's one of the few things they have that the Amarrians don't.

Which means I have to go through them to find a sample. The only ones willing to deal with me - and, really, the only ones I'm willing to deal with - are Electus Matari. And one of the few people I know among their ranks is one Ciarente Roth.

Yes. That Ciarente Roth. The one I so upset some days ago. I hope she's forgiven me enough to be willing to talk to me...

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