Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pointing the hounds, Round II

[Author's note: This was written and should have been published around November 27th, but due to an unfortunate loss of internet, it was not then and I forgot to come back to re-publish it until I went to write my next post (coming toon, BTW). ]

So much has gone on since the last time.... Considering what the last record was about, I really do this more often.

We are reforming as an alliance. Not disbanding and rejoining, but completely altering our plans, both present and future.
I feel terrible that we had to abandon our future, bright as it was, especially since this is, in a wierd sort of way, my fault. "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger," they say. I pray we can become stronger through this ordeal. Aside from that, not deploying with the usual combat fleets in Providence is also driving me absolutely insane - you don't realise how much you love the feeling of soaring into combat between the burning lasers, humming railguns, and curiously beautiful explosions until you don't have it anymore.
It really is addictive.
In more galactic matters, the 24th has lost a system. In Amarr territory. I'm no fan of some of the jingoistic bigots in their ranks, but I have begun flying patrols in the area to assist them. Because I think I'd like the jingoistic bigots on the other side even less.
And, to be honest, because it gives myself and the other combat pilots something to shoot at.
But that is not the most important bit... even with all that happening, I haven't called off my quest to find whoever killed me. I have my suspicions, but now I am almost certain that I know who is responsible - an unfortunate little slip-up on the part of someone I was discussing this with, along with some solid witnesses of what I did in the time lost... All I need now is final confirmation. No need to further the perception of Amarrian justice as a "witch hunt" affair, and to be honest I don't want to hurt he- the person in question if I am wrong. I am reluctant to the name here only because this one may also be responsible for the previous... situations. And I don't need my prey to find out the hunter has noticed it.

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